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Dr. E. (Erik) van Ree

East European Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Onderzoek FGw
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1605
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profiel



    I was born in Amsterdam in 1953, graduated as a sociologist in 1978, and obtained a PhD in 1988 with my thesis Socialism in One Zone. Stalin's Policy in Korea, 1945-1947 (the latter events both at the University of Amsterdam). Although I graduated as a sociologist, I see myself rather as a historian. Since the early eighties my research has focussed on the history of communism, more specifically on Stalinism. I suppose my interest in this subject has much to do with the fact that I was an active maoist from 1973 to 1981. At present I am research associate of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. My present research focuses on the history of the phenomenon of the revolutionary organisation.

  • Publications



    • van Ree, E. (2022). The rise of the party in arms: Revolutionary organizations and modernization. Journal of Political & Military Sociology, 49(1), 58-86.
    • van Ree, E. (2022). ‘The Day the Dragon Licks Its Flank, You’ll Find Us at Your Side’: Self-Heroization and Revolutionary Organization. Politics, Religion and Ideology, 23(3), 265-286. Advance online publication. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (2019). A dream come true: Western Eyewitnesses of the October Revolution. In C. Chatterjee, S. G. Marks, M. Neuburger, & S. Sabol (Eds.), The Global Impacts of Russia's Great War and Revolution. - Book 2: The Wider Arc of Revolution (Vol. 1, pp. 83-104). (Russia’s Great War and revolution; Vol. 6). Slavica Publishers. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2019). Marx and Engels's theory of history. Making sense of the race factor. Journal of Political Ideologies, 24(1), 54-73. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2017). Stalin, Joseph. In U. Daniel, P. Gatrell, O. Janz, H. Jones, J. Keene, A. Kramer, & B. Nasson (Eds.), 1914-1918 Online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War Freie Universität Berlin. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (2015). Boundaries of Utopia: Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin. (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series; No. 63). London/New York: Routledge. [details]







    • van Ree, E. (2002). The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin. A Study in Twentieth-Century Revolutionary Patriotism. London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2002). Drugs, the democratic civilising process and the consumer society. International Journal of Drug Policy, 13(5), 349-353. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2001). The concept of "national bolshevism": an interpretative essay. Journal of Political Ideologies, 6(3), 289-307. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (1999). Drugs as a human right. International Journal of Drug Policy, 10(2), 89-98. [details]





    • van Ree, E. (1989). Socialism in One Zone. Stalin's Policy in Korea, 1945-1947. Berg Publishers.
    • van Ree, E. (1989). The Limits of Juche: North Korea’s Dependence on Soviet Industrial Aid, 1953-76. Journal of Communist Studies, 5(1), 50-73.


    • van Ree, E. (2023). [Review of: C. Wynn (2022) The Moderate Bolshevik : Mikhail Tomsky from the Factory to the Kremlin, 1880-1936]. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65(3-4), 545-547. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2023). [Review of: S. Paxton (2021) Unlearning Marx : Why the Soviet Failure was a Triumph for Marx]. Studies in Marxism, 16, 174-179. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (2016). Lenin (1870-1924), Stalin (1878-1953), and nationalism. In J. Stone, R. M. Dennis, A. D. Smith, P. S. Rizova, & X. Hou (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity and nationalism (Vol. 3). (Wiley Blackwell encyclopedias in social sciences). Wiley Blackwell. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (2013). Review essay: Problems of communism: Gulag authorities and Gulag victims [Review of: S.A. Barnes (2011) Death and redemption: the Gulag and the shaping of Soviet society; S.F. Cohen (2011) The victims return: survivors of the Gulag after Stalin; F. Vasilevich Mochulsky, D. Kaple (2011) Gulag boss: a Soviet memoir]. International Review of Social History, 58(1), 107-119. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (2010). Machtspolitieke en ideologische motieven in een twintigste-eeuwse dictatuur: Jozef Stalin. In A. van Heerikhuizen, I. de Jong, & M. van Montfrans (Eds.), Tweede levens: over personen en personages in de geschiedschrijving en de literatuur (pp. 136-151). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2010). [Review of: J.A. Getty, O.V. Naumov (2008) Yezhov: the rise of Stalin's "Iron Fist"]. Journal of Modern History, 82(1), 249-251. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2010). [Review of: N.E. Rosenfeldt (2009) The "Special" world: Stalin's power apparatus and the Soviet system's secret structures of communication]. Revolutionary Russia, 23(1), 140-141. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2008). Heroes and merchants: Joseph Stalin and the nations of Europe. In M. Wintle (Ed.), Imagining Europe: Europe and European civilisation as seen from its margins and by the rest of the world, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (pp. 51-72). (Multiple Europes; No. 42). Peter Lang. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2008). [Review of: D. Priestland (2007) Stalinism and the politics of mobilization : ideas, power, and terror in inter-war Russia]. Revolutionary Russia, 21(2), 219-221. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2005). Stalin as Marxist. The Western Roots of Stalin's Russification of Marxism. In S. Davies, & J. Harris (Eds.), Stalin. A New History (pp. 159-180). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2003). Een uitnodiging tot herbezinning van Marx' gedachtengoed [Review of: Allan Megill (2002) Karl Marx]. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 4, 614-616. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2003). [Review of: Paul Hollander. Political Will and Personal Belief]. De Nieuwste Tijd, 7, 86-94. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2002). Stalin as Writer and Thinker. Kritika, 3(4), 699-714. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2001). 'Lenin's Last Struggle' revisited. Revolutionary Russia, 14(2), 85-122. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2001). Stalinistische propaganda: theorie, praktijk, resultaten. Leidschrift, 16(3), 7-25. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (2000). Nationalist elements in the work of Marx and Engels: a critical survey. MEGA - Studien, 6(1), 25-49. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2000). Ontstaan en teloorgang van de 'dictatuur van het proletariaat': Marx, Lenin, Stalin. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 113(3), 335-353. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (2000). Stalin's bolshevism: the year of the revolution. Revolutionary Russia, 13(1), 29-54. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (1999). The Russian tsars through Stalin's eyes. Theoretische Geschiedenis, 26(4), 501-519. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (1994). Stalin and the National Question. Revolutionary Russia, 7(2), 214-238. [details]



    • van Ree, E. (1992). De Stalin-cultus: een elite organiseert haar eigen mythe. Theoretische Geschiedenis, 19(4), 414-422.
    • van Ree, E., Loewenhardt, J., & Ozinga, J. R. (1992). The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Politburo. New York: St. Martin's Press.


    • van Ree, E. (1991). De muis die brulde. In A. Koper, C. Vecht, & M. van Weezel (Eds.), Unknown (pp. 37-47). Nijgh & Van Ditman. [details]


    • van Ree, E. (1988). The quest for purity in Communism. In W. E. A. van Beek (Ed.), The Quest for Purity. Dynamics of Puritan Movements (pp. 245-262). (Religion and Society). Mouton de Gruyter. [details]
    • van Ree, E. (1988). The quest for purity in communism. In W. E. A. van Beek (Ed.), The Quest for Purity. Dynamics of Puritan Movements (pp. 245-262). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


    • Hak, H., & van Ree, E. (1984). Was the older Mao still a Maoist? Journal of Contemporary Asia, 14(1), 82-93.
    • van Ree, E. (1984). De tweede revolutie. Sociologische Gids, XXXI(6), 474-486.
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